All Altar Tools

All Altar Tools

    Swift Lite 10 Disk Charcoal Roll
    A red and white package containing Swift-Lite long-burning charcoal tablets.
    Regular price $2.50
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    Grab this high-quality product for mystic or metaphysical usage! Swift Lite 10 Disk Charcoal Roll is for long-lasting burning during spiritual or ritualistic activities. It is an odorless solution for igniting your incense or resin.

    You can quickly and conveniently light our premium charcoal discs! They are smokeless and eco-friendly, thereby supporting your wellness. 

    • Instructions: We always recommend placing the burner on a ceramic or any heat-resistant surface to avoid damaging the furniture base or tabletop. We never recommend placing a charcoal tablet directly on the burner without some sort of insulator.
    • Each charcoal roll has 10 disks (33mm) available in a sealed wrapping.
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    Red Abalone Shell sm
    A small abalone shell with a smooth, iridescent interior displaying shades of blue, green, and purple. The exterior is rough and textured with a pale brown color.
    Regular price $3.00
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    Red Abalone Shell sm combines the beauty of the red abalone seashell with the perfect accompaniment of natural incense, sage crystals, and an altar for ritual use. Enjoy nature's beauty and create an atmosphere for spiritual reflection.

  • Dimension:  2”x1 
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    String Bells
    A string of bells with a yellow cord and gold-colored bells. The bells are attached to the cord at regular intervals.
    Regular price $8.00
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    Indulge in the pleasing sound for your inner contentment! String Bells is an adorable selection ideal for decorating your prayer space. You can use it as your wind chimes to attract good vibrations!

    You can hand the premium string bells on your outdoors to set a welcoming ambiance. It will also make a perfect choice for your Christmas decoration. 

  • Dimension:( 36” )
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    Abalone Shell
    Regular price $18.00
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    Our Natural Abalone Shell is fancy and highly lustrous, known as the shell of beauty, peace, love, and harmony. It stimulates psychic abilities and dreams. It is helpful in connecting people with the aquatic world and wearing them makes you feel refreshed, relaxed, happy and caring. It brings harmony to family, motherhood, or any relationship. It is also used to make jewelry and buttons to stay in contact with the body. Moreover, you can use this seashell to make smudge bowls, white sage ashtrays, crystal holders, and decorative items. Plus, it's great as a ring holder dish, incense burner, altar supply, or shell decoration. Its natural iridescent colors instantly add elegance to any home or beach decor.

    Physical Benefits: Abalone shells strengthen the immune system, muscle tissue, and heart and help with digestion. Also helpful in arthritis and joint disorders, allergies, and rashes.

    Chakra: Crown, 3rd Eye

    Zodiac: Pieces
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    Florida Water Cologne
    Florida Water Cologne -  cylindrical glass bottle with a slender neck with gold wrap
    Regular price $14.00
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     Cleanse your spirit with this famous Florida Water, a scent that's sure to bring back sweet memories and offer a spritz of energy! This citrusy cologne has been around since the 1800s and is said to bring good vibes and even the fountain of youth. Plus, used to ward off evil spirits and cleaning of negative energy.

    Florida Water Uses: 

    Following are the ways to use this Florida Water in day-to-day life

    • It is used for different spiritual traditions in rituals as a way to purify and cleanse. 
    • It can be added to a bath, put on energy points like the third eye, sprayed in the air, and utilized to clean a counter to name a few. So it can be used used as a perfume; Sprinkling this cologne daily helps cleanse your body from negative vibrations. Hence it is great for both women's and men's cologne.
    • Helps you maintain your skin by cleaning the pores, toning up the skin, and leaving it with a feeling of radiance and freshness.
    • Spraying it in a kitchen and bathroom helps remove odors.
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    Coffin Nail
    Regular price $1.50
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    Coffin Nails have had many magical uses over the centuries like: protection of the home by placing 2 crossed nails above your doors and window, carrying 2 crossed nails in your pocket for personal protection, carrying 2 crossed nails in a red bag, placing a nail in the ground in each of the four corners of your property warding it off from negative energy or unwanted spirits.

    Made of iron this nail may ward off evil entities and unwanted energies to  bring peace of mind and protection.

    Nails are sold individually but often purchased in even numbers.

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    Horse Shoe Cast Iron
    Horse Shoe Cast Iron - Iron Horse Shoe dark metal
    Regular price $6.00
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    A rustic selection as a protective symbol! Horse Shoe Cast Iron selection is the epitome of good luck. It can be your mystic tool to eliminate evil spirits from your place. The premium cast iron selection also protects you from misfortune. 

    The premium horse shoe selection can be your protection from nightmares! It promotes fearlessness within your spirit. You can place this selection in front of your home to amplify positivity!

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    Onyx Round Stone Bowl
    Regular price $18.00
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    We offer you an amazing Onyx Round Stone Bowl originally designed for altar space and interior decoration accents. This multicolor hand-carved onyx bowl features natural shades of caramel brown, gray and creamy tones. Each piece we offer is unique in colors and hand carved from a round onyx marble and polished to a professional finish. It has a perfect size to be kept anywhere. It is a semi-precious stone and is popular for its healing properties.

    Versatile Uses of Natural Onyx Stone Bowl: 

    • This onyx bowl is best to be used as a holder to keep sacred items and placed on an altar for decoration as well.
    • It can be used as a marble fruit bowl to offer fruits, candle holders for the altar and party decorations, marble bowl to keep small items such as - trinkets, stationary, etc.
    • Perfect bowl gift on a Wedding anniversary, birthday, and Christmas.
    Benefits: This onyx stone helps you stay focused and motivated while giving you the power to overcome all the problems that come your way. It helps in accomplishing your goals and protects you from negative forces physically and mentally. Hence, its use is more beneficial on the altar and at home to strengthen one's holy works and to keep small items.
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    Black Salt
    Black Salt - Tall glass jar with cork top, white label
    Regular price $12.00
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    Banish evil power that can hinder your peace! Black Salt enhances protective force in your surroundings. You can use it to keep yourself safe from malevolent dark energies or jinxes. 

    The mystic black salt also clears stagnant energies that create bad vibes at your place. It makes a potent spiritual barrier during rituals or spellwork. 

    Dimension: (4”x2”)

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    Dead Sea Salt Jar
    Dead Sea Salt Jar - Tall glass jar cork top full of white crystals
    Regular price $8.00
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    Our premium selection with ancient relevance! Dead Sea Salt Jar with therapeutic properties can promote your well-being.

    The Dead Sea salt with health benefits has its roots in Egyptian culture. Even Queen Cleopatra has deemed it as the secret behind her timeless beauty. It can help you get rid of dead skin and retain your youthfulness. The sea salt can protect you from negativity through the ritual bath.

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    Charcoal 48 Squares
    Japanese incense charcoal in a rectangular box.
    Regular price $12.75
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    Our Japanese charcoal squares and made of pure charcoal with no igniting chemicals. Use with our resins to bring an air of calm during any of your ceremonies or just when you may need a bit of zen in your home. 

    • How to use Incense Burner Charcoal?

    It is very easy to burn bamboo charcoal pieces. Simply hold the pieces with tweezers and light them with a match or lighter until it burns. Place them on a heat-resistant dish. Let them become white ash, and then add herbs, roots, or resins that you want.

    • Quantity: 48 Squares in a box
    • Charcoal Square Measures: 1" long x 1/2" wide by 1/4" thick
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    Himalayan Clearing Salt fine Jar
    A glass jar with a cork lid filled with fine-ground Himalayan salt. The label reads "Merkabasol Himalayan Salt" and includes additional information about the product.
    Regular price $10.00
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    A premium magical selection to grace your home with positivity! Himalayan Clearing Salt fine jar can help you eliminate negativity and evil power. 

    Pure salt has had a mystical relevance since time immemorial! It used to be an integral part of traditional rituals. You can use our Himalayan jar selection to release attachments. 

    Dimension: 4”x2” 

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