Protecting our planet is everybody's responsibility and we here at M-Sol are doing our best to make sure we are doing our part.
Some of the things we have implemented are:
Working with a eco friendly web hosting site that uses solar power and it's employees work from home further reducing their carbon footprint. They match our usage by 300% in the form of renewable energy credits.
When you choose Shop Pay at checkout your delivery is carbon neutral at no extra cost.
We have switched from recycled single use plastic bags to paper as well as recyclable boxes and we reuse packing materials whenever we can.
Our retail receipts are printed on BPA and BPN free paper and only printed when a customer requests it. Text and emailed receipts are always an options as well.
Place your order online then select Store Pickup reducing the shipping carbon altogether. Come into the store to pick up your order or call once you have arrived for free curbside pick.
We have partnered with The Carbon Offset Company to give our customers an opportunity to plant a tree when they place an order. Making your order carbon neutral and offsetting the carbon produced from that order by planning a tree. Helping the planet by planting one tree at a time!! Once you reach the Cart page you'll have the opportunity to donate plant trees with your purchase to make it more eco-friendly!
These are some of our innovative ways we're reducing our carbon footprint. What are you doing to help the only planet we have??